Company Match Programs


EYFO is registered with Benevity, a platform that helps increase the impact of your generous giving. Did you know that hundreds of companies choose Bevenity to make a charitable impact? We encourage you to ask if your employer also participates in a company match fund through Benevity. By doing so, you can double the amount you give, supporting EYFO's outreach and the singular vision of changing the lives of hundreds of children, one child at a time.

Benevity Mobile App

Boeing Community Fund

If you work for Boeing they and you donate to EYFO Boeing will generously match your amount up to $10,000! The Boeing Company empowers employees to make greater impact by pooling their tax-deductible donations for more than 60 years.

  • A new team volunteer match program allows teams of Boeing employees to donate their time to non-profit organizations, and in exchange the company will provide a monetary gift to that organization.